Why Use Smartsheet for Account Administration?

In the modern era, data is the single most crucial aspect of business. As your business grows and expands, ensuring everyone has access to the information they need becomes a beast to manage without the proper software. Smartsheet makes organizing users and accounts a breeze.


Smartsheet can be a game-changer for managing user accounts within your organization. Read here to see a detailed breakdown of how SCS Cloud can utilize these functionalities and streamline your account administration processes:

Simplified User Management

Gone are the days of manually adding or removing users one by one. Smartsheet’s Admin Center allows you to efficiently manage users through bulk actions. Need to add a new group of employees? Upload a CSV file and grant them the appropriate permissions in a single step. You can also set up automated workflows to add new hires to relevant groups or sheets upon onboarding, saving valuable time and ensuring everyone has the access that they need.

Enhanced Visibility and Control

The Admin Center acts as your central hub for account administration. Get a real-time snapshot of your account health, including the number of remaining licenses, user activity levels, and overall plan usage. Track all employees and the software they use to give visibility to managers and IT teams for turnover or consolidation.

Permission Controls for Everything

Smartsheet empowers you to implement a robust permission structure. Assign different user types with varying levels of access, ensuring that users can only view or edit information relevant to their roles. This granular control minimizes the risk of accidental data breaches or unauthorized modifications.

Streamlined Security Management

Smartsheet prioritizes the security of your data. Leverage features like Single Sign-On to simplify login processes and enhance security by integrating your Smartsheet account with your existing authentication system. Additionally, you can control access to shared sheets on an organizational level, ensuring only authorized personnel can view or edit sensitive information. Share sheets internally or externally with the knowledge your data is safe.

Improved Reporting and Auditing

Track user activity, license usage, and login history with comprehensive reports. These reports provide valuable insights into how your team utilizes Smartsheet, allowing you to identify trends, optimize workflows, and address any potential security concerns. For example, you can use audit logs to identify any suspicious login attempts or unauthorized access, enabling you to take proactive measures to safeguard your data.


By leveraging Smartsheet’s account administration features, you can significantly reduce manual tasks, gain centralized control over user access, and ensure the security of your data. This translates to a more efficient and secure work environment for your entire organization.

Certified Smartsheet Consultants

In-house implementations of solutions like Smartsheet have seen some success, but the odds go up when utilizing a certified Smartsheet partner like SCS Cloud. We have a history of successful Smartsheet implementations in businesses like yours.


Ready to Improve Your Workflows?

Whether you’re looking to expand your business and capabilities or want a more consistent way to manage your company, Smartsheet might be the perfect solution.


SCS Cloud is a team of Smartsheet experts ready to take your business to the next level. Contact us today to stay competitive in today’s market!

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